Urgent Action Required: Email Security (March 2024 Update)

2024 is ushering in a pivotal era of safer email practices, with significant updates to email authentication policies by major providers like Google and Yahoo, set to take effect in March 2024. These changes are aimed at enhancing email security, reducing spam, and combating spoofing, and they will have a profound impact on how realtors communicate with their clients via email.

Primarily targeting bulk email senders to personal accounts —these updates emphasize the importance of implementing robust email authentication measures. Even if you don’t currently meet the bulk sender criteria, these changes signal the direction in which email practices are evolving, making it essential for realtors to stay ahead of the curve.

Key Changes for Realtors to Note:

  1. Email Authentication: Realtors must ensure the use of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to authenticate their emails, verifying their legitimacy and preventing unauthorized use of their domain. Failure to comply may result in deliverability issues.
  2. Easy Unsubscribes: Making it effortless for recipients to unsubscribe from bulk emails is now a requirement, with one-click unsubscribe options mandated in email headers. This aims to reduce the likelihood of recipients marking emails as spam, thus preserving legitimate email delivery.
  3. Cracking Down on Spam: Google and Yahoo are intensifying efforts to identify and block spam, employing advanced algorithms. Realtors must aim to maintain low spam complaint rates to ensure their emails reach their intended recipients’ inboxes.

Reducing Spam Complaints:

  • Educate clients on unsubscribing rather than marking emails as spam.
  • Monitor undeliverables and promptly remove them from email lists.
  • Be mindful of email content and frequency to avoid appearing spammy.

Steps for Realtors to Prepare:

  1. Assess Compliance Needs: Determine how these requirements will affect your email practices and formulate a plan to address them.
  2. Implement Easy Unsubscribe Options: Ensure your email service provider supports one-click unsubscribe functionality in compliance with the new guidelines.
  3. Consult IT Professionals: Engage with IT specialists to ensure proper implementation of DMARC, DKIM, and SPF protocols across all email systems.
  4. Review and Update Records: Confirm the presence of DKIM and/or SPF records for all systems sending emails from your domain, including official email servers, bulk email providers, websites, and other platforms.

Failure to Comply:

Failure to adhere to these updated requirements may result in delays, blocking, or diversion of bulk emails to spam folders, impacting the effectiveness of your communication efforts with clients.


While these changes may seem daunting, they are designed to enhance email security and reliability for both senders and recipients. Realtors are encouraged to embrace these updates as an opportunity to fortify their email practices and ensure seamless communication with clients in the evolving landscape of email security. Should you have any questions or require assistance navigating these changes, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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