Don’t Promote. Attract: The Key to Attracting Top Talent

woman holding fireflies

Sales tactics that feel too pushy in a simple transaction can seem out of place when recruiting prospects. It’s not common to say, “If you sign by Friday, we’ll improve your split by 10%,” yet some hiring managers still heavily emphasize features and benefits too early in the recruitment process. This approach can come across as overly promotional and may actually deter potential candidates.

Instead, the key is to focus on building attraction through proven recruitment principles. One of the most effective principles is familiarity. People naturally gravitate towards what feels familiar. Research from MIT supports this, showing that people who frequently interact or are in close proximity are more likely to develop a mutual attraction.

In real estate recruiting, applying the familiarity principle can be straightforward:

  • Be active and visible within your community. Utilize the physical presence of your real estate company, from offices to yard signs, and wear nametags to enhance recognition.

  • Regularly engage with potential candidates. Prioritize face-to-face interactions and complement these with social media engagement.

  • Include a personal photo in your communications. Even when you can’t meet in person, a familiar face in correspondence can make a significant impact.

Building attractiveness is a gradual process that unfolds through consistent, deliberate actions. When done correctly, candidates may not fully understand why, but they will feel that working with you is a compelling choice.

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